Lindsay crudele is a james beard award-winning writer based in Boston.

Poem: 43 Poems in Response to COVID-19

Poem: 43 Poems in Response to COVID-19

all of us reapers

i never imagined
god looked like you
your hand on the fence
my life aloft
on your voice

god’s hands, making coffee
and taking in the mail
stop biting your nails like that

forgive me

i am still growing
into your mercy
you are still learning
my faith
clean feet, clean hands
let’s take our measures together

god, on the sidewalk and in the park
god, crowding the beach
god is everywhere

stand over there now
my neighbor, my divine love

did you know that i am a god too?

— Lindsay Crudele

[Originally appeared here.]

Poem: "Contact" (845 Books COVID-19 Anthology)

Poem: "Contact" (845 Books COVID-19 Anthology)

Fiction: The Spy Who Gets Great Deals on Discount Airfare (Queen Mob's Teahouse)

Fiction: The Spy Who Gets Great Deals on Discount Airfare (Queen Mob's Teahouse)